Torque Rapid System™ for IT & ERP Projects
If you are implementing a new IT system or you need to undertake a major upgrade, ideally you'd like it to happen fast and at as a low a cost as possible; without sacrificing quality, efficiency, ease of implementation or adoption rates. Rapid System™ enables exactly that. We saw a need for a better way to implement IT projects, so we created it.
Rapid System™ is a process-led methodology that greatly accelerates the delivery of IT systems implementation projects. Large IT Projects are expensive, risky, they take a long time and many fail to deliver, they under-deliver, or they overrun.
Our proven Rapid System™ solution allows us to turn a 3-4 year project, into an 18 month project with higher rates of user adoption and costs reduced by 35-40%.
Proven Benefits of Rapid System™
- Faster in every phase
- Cheaper
- Less risk
- Easier to implement
- More efficient
- No waste
- Higher user adoption and better adherence to process and procedures
- Integration of International Quality Standards and compliance
But how?
Process - the gift that just keeps giving. After years of experience with Business Process Management, IT and Quality Management Systems across numerous industries, we’ve developed a unique, adaptable methodology to ensure your IT system delivery project is easier, cheaper and more efficient. We saw a better way, so we created it.
At the heart of the process-based methodology are, unsurprisingly Processes.
We use a Business Process Management System (BPMS) to manage each stage of the system implementation process and the approval cycles associated with each phase of the implementation – see the table below to see the activities and outputs from each phase of the process.
Phased-based Activities and Outputs of Rapid System™

Is There Any Downside?
Yes, your Systems Integration / Implementation (SI) partner is unlikely to vote for Rapid System™ as it will disrupt and reduce their revenue stream. They are paid by the hour or the day and it follows that when the implementation process is shorter and effort is reduced, the SI revenue stream suffers.
So you should expect resistance from your SI and you will need to assert yourself to realise the benefits. We can help you by training and supporting you and your team in the Rapid System™ methodology.
Contact us for more information on Rapid System™ >