In August 2014, Xavier University and PwC led a team of 30 industry professionals to develop a framework of metrics linked to patient safety, that could be viewed during an inspection, and coming about as a response to FDA’s new steps towards allocating resources based on risk.
Caroline Waldron (PhD) is the programme director with the Irish Academy of Continuing Medical Education, (iaCME) which was established over 8 years ago to provide Continuing Professional Development online for healthcare professionals in Ireland. At the time, no other organisation was offering online training for pharmacists. The iaCME team have backgrounds in medicine, the pharmaceutical industry and quality and regulation and have earned a solid, trusted reputation for their focus on accreditation and quality in online learning. The Irish Institute of Pharmacy recently launched a new training module for pharmacists that was developed by iaCME, titled “Managing Quality in Pharmacy Practice”. We talked to Caroline about the challenges facing pharmacists today, and how far online learning has come since they started out.
New BPM Approaches for the Challenges of Mergers and Acquisitions in Life Sciences
Five Major Drivers for BPM exist – Compliance; Outsourcing, ITIL and Security; Process Framework/Performance/Standards; Technology Modernisation and Mergers, Acquisitions and Consolidations. In recent years Life Sciences organisations have had to learn to survive and grow through numerous mergers and acquisitions – sometimes even within quick succession of each other.
My Standout Favourites from PharmaLink 2015
Dee Carri